The aesthetic surgery of the chin, or mentoplasty (also called genioplasty), performed by the plastic surgery clinic of Dr. Pedro Teran and Dr. Francesca Zavalloni in Burgos, is a surgical procedure that seeks through various means to achieve an increase in the projection of the chin.
The purpose of mentoplasty is to increase or decrease the size of the chin, thus achieving harmony and balance with the other features.
The increase of a chin (mentoplasty) to be corrected a few centimeters, can be carried out by:
Implantation of a chin prosthesis, which can be made of different materials, such as solid silicone. To insert the implant, it is possible to use an incision located inside the mouth, in the groove between the gum and the lower lip (intraoral route), or a small incision in the skin below the chin, similar to that used in the lifting of the lower 1/3 or neck (external route).
Infiltration of the patient's ownfatty tissue using the lipostructure technique, with permanent results.
Advancement of a portion of the jaw bone, by means of horizontal bone sections (osteotomies), also using the intraoral route. In these cases the bone ridge is displaced and immobilized in an exact and precise manner, allowing the defect to be corrected and, if necessary, it is also possible to shorten a face that is too long.
To reduce an overly prominent chin, it will be necessary to perform a sanding or a section of the bone (osteotomy) through an incision located inside the mouth. Osteotomies allow the jaw to be advanced, shortened and narrowed.
It is important to identify possible asymmetries or differences in shape or size between one side of the face and the other.
Interventions can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia plus sedation, and the length of stay in the health center can be only a few hours if performed on an outpatient basis, or one day if admitted to the clinic. In certain cases with very accentuated defects, in which the treatments described above with sections of the jaw bone are required, more days of hospitalization may be necessary.