Augmentation mammoplasty with prosthesis

Breast surgery for breast augmentation performed by the plastic surgery clinic of Dr. Pedro Terán and Dr. Francesca Zavalloni in Burgos, consists of the implantation of a breast prosthesis inside the breast tissue.


What is this surgery like?

  • Procedure: 1 hour

    Admission: 24 hours

    Anesthesia: General

    Specific bra: 1 month (included)

    Recovery: 2- 3 weeks

    Results: long lasting

Augmentation mammoplasty (breast asymmetry)

Breast surgery to repair breast asymmetry performed by the plastic surgery clinic of Dr Pedro Terán and Dr Francesca Zavalloni in Burgos, consists of an intervention to remedy the inequality in the shape and size of the breast, due to many causes and manifested in different ways (degree of development, breast shape, breast size, percentage of fatty or glandular tissue...).


What is this surgery like?

  • Procedure: 1 hour

    Admission: 24 hours

    Anesthesia: General

    Specific bra: 1 month (included)

    Recovery: 2- 3 weeks

    Results: long lasting

Augmentation mammoplasty (tuberous breasts)

Breast surgery in tuberous breasts, performed by the plastic surgery clinic of Dr. Pedro Terán and Dr. Francesca Zavalloni in Burgos, is a surgical intervention to treat an anomaly, which if it is mild can be corrected with an implant, but in more serious cases a complete glandular remodeling is performed.


What is this surgery like?

  • Procedure: 1 hour

    Admission: 24 hours

    Anesthesia: General

    Specific bra: 1 month (included)

    Recovery: 2- 3 weeks

    Results: long lasting

Autologous fat augmentation mammoplasty

El lipofilling de mamas o aumento de pecho con grasa propia, está indicado en pacientes que desean un aumento de mamas y no quieran o no puedan ser portadoras de una prótesis mamaria.

Conseguiremos un aumento discreto o moderado, siempre y cuando la paciente disponga de suficiente grasa en otras partes del cuerpo.

Además, esta técnica también puede ser utilizada para corregir algunas complicaciones que pueden surgir con los implantes, como el rippling (ondulaciones visibles en la superficie del pecho) o la palpación de la prótesis en pacientes con poca cobertura mamaria.


What is this surgery like?

  • Procedure: 1 - 2 hours

    Admission: 24 hours

    Anesthesia: General

    Specific bra and girdle: 1 month (included)

    Recovery: 2- 3 weeks

    Results: long lasting